Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Mistreatment Of The Illegal Immigrants - 1710 Words

The mistreatment of the illegal immigrants has become a serious issue among the United States. There are tons of debates on the issue, which causes a lot of unrest among the citizens of the country. With the political debates constanly going back and forth, I well reveal the many insecurities and injustices that many of the immigrants have faced. Many have complained that because of the illegal immigrants, the competition for jobs have been fierce making it impossible to obtain a job. However, by analyzing the welfare of the immigrants, we find that many of them are fighting for minimum wage jobs. The struggle to make two ends meet alone is enough to cause a breaking point let alone the unfair treatment given to them by the biased masses. Not even the children are spared from the senseless bickering, Leaving them doomed to suffer the unjust penalties due to the lack of Immigration reform. Immigrants have been constantly being demonized by the usual patriotic propaganda the has spawn ed from the people. The lack of any positive reform can’t be seen in the future due to congress at a constant power struggle spiraling downward. Analyzing the Welfare effect of illegal immigration, shows the dynamic overall framework and shows why it’s positive for two reasons. First, immigrants are paid less than their marginal product, and second, after an increase in immigration, domestic households find it optimal to increase their holdings of capital. It is also shown that dynamicShow MoreRelatedIs Bernie Sanders Proven Himself A Champion Of The Middle Class?987 Words   |  4 Pagespromotion of citizenship for illegal immigrants, Sanders is with no doubt expressing his beliefs in a bigger, better future for America. Along the lines of immigration, Senator Sanders believes very much so in creating a smoother pathway to citizenship for working immigrants and their family members. 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